Cambrian Period

A Rock Sample from the Cambrian Period
Protichnites tracks from the late Cambrian

The Cambrian Period lasted from 542 mya-488 mya. During the Cambrian Period, life lived mostly in water, as this period was only the beginning of the Paleozoic Era. The climate was supposed to have been warm, although there was still some glaciers, and if any life was out of the water, it only may have been, lichen, fungi, or algae. The Cambrian fauna was somewhat restricted, many organisms stay close to the sea-floor and few were free-floating. Some suggest that a few organisms did in fact venture on land, thus producing the fossils Protichnites and Climactichnites. As the glaciers from the Precambrian Era were long melted, the sea-level was high and flooded some of the continents in warm, shallow water ideal for the life that thrived there. But  the sea-levels seem to have fluctuated, suggesting that there may have been a few ice-ages. 

Events that occurred in the Cambrian Era